Formaldehyde pollution has a long duration, and the entire formaldehyde sensor can prevent health issues

Release time:2023-11-09 13:39:51  Number of views:3order

Spring and summer are the peak season for decoration, and after one to two months of renovation, most homeowners will choose to move into their new homes. Experts point out that if homeowners choose "street guerrillas" or small decoration companies for package decoration, be careful to bring home formaldehyde, benzene, radon and other decoration pollutants. You must not ignore these pollutants, as they may be an important source of leukemia! More than 40% of homeowners still overlook decoration pollution.

In recent years, with the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for decoration have become increasingly high. However, many homeowners simply require decoration companies to add various complex designs and add various furniture in the later stage, which invisibly brings decoration pollution back to their homes. The superimposed pollution has caused indoor pollution to exceed the standard, especially in winter when indoor doors and windows are closed, making it difficult to eliminate pollution. Living in such an environment, even physically strong adults can cause significant harm to their bodies for a long time. So, when decorating, homeowners must consider decoration pollution, eliminate the use of "street guerrillas" and try not to use small decoration companies. It is best not to live in a newly renovated house immediately, and it should be ventilated and dried for at least 2 months.

Formaldehyde pollution usually lasts for up to 15 years, and you really can't ignore it. After the decoration is completed, it is necessary to conduct formaldehyde testing before moving in. Due to the long volatilization time, it is recommended to equip a formaldehyde detector or purification equipment with built-in formaldehyde sensors for real-time detection, especially in the winter and hot summer when doors and windows are sealed, to prevent health problems caused by excessive formaldehyde concentration

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